Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Energy Savings

How many times do you hear, see or read about the savings you will realize on your energy bill if you buy a new energy efficient appliance? I declare bullshit. I have purchased many energy-efficient appliances over the years including those damned curly lightbulbs that blow up in cold weather and blink during the blasted 5-second start-up time indoors and have never noticed the supposed hundreds of dollars of savings I was 'supposed to notice." TV - no. Washer - no. Dryer - no. Water softener - no. Refrigerator - no. Stupid little programable thermostat - NO!

Am I wrong?


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I loved watching Barack Obama choking on the taste of humble pie during his press conference today. Although I'm doubtful he will remember the taste in a week.

I'm obviously extremely pleased that the Republicans had such a huge sweep of the house. My wish however was to take the Senate as well. I would have liked the following people to lose, not so much because I liked their opponents, mostly just because I dislike these people so much:

Harry Reid
Barney Frank
Chuck Schumer (I know this one was never on the table but a boy can dream, can't he?)
Barbara Boxer