Monday, April 26, 2010

Don't shop at HOM Furniture

I purchased a bed, frame, dressers, nightstands, etc. when we moved into our new home. Spent a lot of money with them and purchased a bed with a warranty. They sent a guy out to see if the body impressions in the mattress are deep enough that they would declare the bed defective and yes, they are. HOM will give me a 20% store credit instead of repairing or replacing the mattress. In other words, honoring the warranty that I paid them for.


  1. Did HOM Furniture help with your problem since you posted this?

  2. Not in the slightest. They refuse to stand behind the products and warranty they sold.

  3. I work for HOM Furniture. If you send me an E-mail with your phone # I can look at your account and see if there is something we can do to help. I want to help make your experience a better one if I can.


  4. I appreciate you trying to make it right but it is indeed too late. But I did try to give you a chance but when I clicked your username to email you I learned it is private so I can't send you an email and I don't post my personal email address here.

    Trust me though, I've spoken with the Plymouth HOM a few times, asked for it to be elevated to manager and received a resounding 20% store credit offer. In fact, the manager there informed me that had I purchased something from Target and THEY went bankrupt, they certainly wouldn't honor the warranty they sold me. I reminder her that I'm not asking Target to honor the warranty the sold and that to the best of my knowledge, HOM didn't declare bankruptcy.

  5. Should have added - I suppose I can provide a store number, exact location, manager name, etc. if wanted. However, I was trying to make mention of general HOM policies instead of pointing out particular retail locations or individuals.

  6. I would still like to see if I can help make your situation better. My office phone # is (763)862-9497. Also we may have some training opportunities that I can work with.

